How to Maintain a Happy Relationship When Your Partner Gets Laid Off

Financial issues are some of the biggest points of contention within relationships. With our economy in recession--money worries are high in most households--and when money worries are high--the potential for relationship strain is high too. If your partner loses his or her job, you may need to cultivate some added awareness and sensitivity to ensure that your relationship doesn't head south as well. I hope these tips help you maintain happiness within your relationship when your partner gets laid off. Instructions Step1 Have compassion. Whatever stress, worry or disorientation you may be feeling over your partner’s job loss, your partner is sure to feel ten-fold. Be compassionate of these feelings. Step2 Speak positively. Say things like, “I believe in you,” “I know we will get through this” and “I feel optimistic.” Right now your partner needs you to be the rock and a source of inspiration. Your words hold more power than you may realize, so speak positively even if you don’t ...