Virk According to the Patanjali Bhashya (4.6-114), Ashtadhyayi (l-6-155), Mahabhasya( 4-2-154) and Kashikavarti (1-1-175), Raja Virk Vardhan built forts in: Kasrud (present-day Mandsor ) in central India Shakil ( Sialkot ) Sosaph Dathaaprastha Naudipur Koak Kandewa Mula Pava Datt Karkar Virkgary. According to Thakur Yugendrapal, the Virks are the Vahilkas (they are believed to be the founders of Bahawalpur ) who are mentioned in the Mahabharata and who took one-sixth of the income of the King Shalya , who was the king of the Madras and ruled over Madradesa (modern-day Sialkot). In the 4th century AD, they had a powerful kingdom. They were the contemporaries of the Gupta rulers. According to Brij Indra Bhaskar, in 428 AD, the Virk rulers performed a big Yagya near Bayana and constructed a pillar, on which they mentioned themselves as Virks. Rock inscriptions of Yasodharman have been found in Mandsor. Their reign in Malwa came to an end in 462 AD.
Showing posts from April, 2009
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Sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) Said: 1) Four things that make your body sick:- a) Excessive talking b) Excessive sleeping c) Excessive eating and d) Excessive meeting/outing with people 2) Four things that destroy the body:- a) Worrying b) Sorrow (Sadness/Grief) c) Hunger d) Sleeping late at night 3) Four things that make the face looking dull and haggard:- a) Lying b) Being disrespectful/ impudent (knowingly) c) Baseless arguements d) Excessive immorality (committing sins without fear) 4) Four things that make the face glow and shine:- a) Piety b) Loyalty c) Generosity and kindness d)Helpful to others without being asked 5) Four things make the Rizqi (Sustenance) stop:- a) Sleeping till late in the morning (from Fajr to sunrise) b) Not Performing Fardhu or Irregular in Prayers c) Laziness/Idleness d) Treachery/Dishonest y 6) Four things that bring/increase the Rizqi:- a) Staying up in the night in prayers b) Excessive Repentance c) Reg...
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How to Prevent Identity Theft Internet banking is a piece of cake for all those who know how to handle it. Free online bill-payment, the 'next day’ bank to bank funds transfer and much more, are some of its features that make your life so much easier. But, with this bliss you may also invite a serious trouble. One of the worst things that could happen to you is someone using your identity to borrow money from creditors and stealing money from your bank accounts. This is called Identity theft . One would only need two pieces of your personal information to impersonate you: your date of birth (DOB) and your Social Security Number (SSN). Technically, these are the keys to your bank accounts, credit files, credit cards, health information and everything. No matter how fool proof banking might be these days you are ALWAYS at a risk of being a victim of Identity theft. Please follow the simple steps below to prevent your Identity Theft: Instructions Step1 Avoid writing personal checks ...
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10 tips for increasing your professional visibility and exposure Being recognized in your field can make you more valuable in your current job and more marketable if you decide to change jobs. The tips below can help you gain that visibility and exposure. The first four are aimed primarily at the employee of a company, while the rest apply either to the employee or to the independent consultant. #1: Develop your elevator talk The elevator talk is the 15- to 30-second talk you would give to a senior executive while both of you are in an elevator. It’s your chance to impress that person, so make the most of it. Important parts of the elevator talk include: Who you are? What project you’re working on ? A significant accomplishment you’ve made #2: Talk to bosses during office social events During an office social event (for example, the holiday or Christmas party), it’s generally easier to approach your boss and his or her boss to say hello. At those times, it’s important to have your elev...
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ISLAMIC ART AND ARCHITECTURE Background In the century after the death (AD 632) of the prophet Muhammad(PBUH), his Arab followers spread his teachings through Egypt and N Africa, as far west as Spain, and as far east as Sassanid Persia. Because of their rapid expansion and the paucity of the earlier artistic heritage of the Arabian Peninsula, the Muslims derived their unique style from synthesizing the arts of the Byzantines, the Copts, the Romans, and the Sassanids. The great strength of Islamic art as a whole lies in its ability to synthesize native design elements with imported ones . ISLAMIC ART AND ARCHITECTURE ARCHITECTURE The few and relatively simple rituals of the Islamic faith gave rise to a unique religious architecture, comprising the mosque (masjid), a place of community gathering and prayer, and the madresah, or religious school. Important among the various characteristic forms of Islamic secular architecture are palaces, caravansaries, and cities, the elaborate plannin...
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How to Make Expensive Looking Pillows To me, toss pillows are like shoes. A girl can never have too many. And there are always reasons to have different colors, sizes and shapes--but even more importantly--they really change up the room, or outfit that is! Toss pillows are a great way to put a bit of your personality into a room, as well as add a new pop of color to a dull sofa or a boring bedspread. However, they can be quite expensive, so instead of buying new ones--here is a way you can make expensive-looking pillows for a fraction of the cost. Instructions Step1 Go to a vintage shop or department store to hunt out some silk scarves (or you may have some lying around in your closet that have not been worn in years). Pull those out and decide on one that would be a nice punch of color in the area you are looking to redo, for instance, the sofa, your bed or a side chair in the office. Step2 Don't worry if a piece is too large or has a damaged edge. The solution is simply to cut t...
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How to Make Your Home Office Green By Murray Anderson , eHow Expert in Home Repa ir Whether your home office is a separate room with a desk, door and lots of equipment--or merely an area in your bedroom or kitchen--it can be eat up lots more energy and resources than any other place in your home. If you want to cut back on your home office's environmental footprint--here are some ways you can accomplish this. Step1 Keep a separate basket for recyclable paper. It's amazing how much other "garbage" you can accumulate in a home office, and if you only have one waste paper basket, it will become the place where any garbage, old batteries, plastic wrap as well as paper will end up before going to the landfill. Batteries should be recycled at the appropriate locations, not thrown in the garbage and paper and post-it notes can easily be recycled if kept separate. Step2 Cut down on the amount of paper you use in your office by minimizing the amount of printing you do. Consi...